full month

Isit a must to have full month celebration for baby ? I dun wish to have this celebration at the end of the month but some uncle at his side said must have . It's annoying me . Wad gives him the rights to make decision even if he is the biggest uncle bla bla bla . Surname etc is just a word in the ic . It should be my decision the one who give birth to my baby . I said 100 days I'm still ok when I'm at least ready recovered and baby get his full 3 jabs . But some stupid chinese thing old fashion want it 1 month . I feel so stress every single day . I got no appetite to even eat . I'm stress everytime my in laws come n visit they keep talking so loud and chor lor infront of my baby . N when he is sleeping somemore . N when he is sleeping my husband want me to let them carry . Its disturbing my baby . Why are they so inconsiderate . It makes me scared everytime when I hear they are coming . My husband thinks I'm having depression . He thinks I think everyone is a threat to my baby . But tts not wad i think . I just feel ppl shud be more considerate when there is a baby here . I've talk things out with him but haiz . Am I being too over protective towards my baby or am I being wrong .

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Hey, It is not a must. it is completely an individual's preference. i think you should talk to your husband and do only what you both feel right

5y ago

I did but he and his mom only cared of what other ppl will say and he want the red packets . He said just get it over n done with n they wont disturb anymore . But tts not the thing . I cared for my baby ,he havent get 2nd jab and by than 1 month I just finish my confinement i still havent fully recover n clean up myself . Most important is baby , later ppl start carry or touch or someone sick than start pass bacteria and germs . I think of all this I feel I as a mother I'm so useless i cant protect my baby ,i feel i as the mother I cant make final say I got no power over my own kid . His idea was to put him in the pram and cover . So ppl see he sleeping wont disturb only open n see wont carry . But baby is unpredictable ma, what if that timing and so noisy n ppl keep open up the pram or he hungry than he awake than when ppl see he awake they start carrying . Than when one start to carry all start to carry . He nv think of this .