If the mummy's age is more than 16 years old, you can get complete confidentiality where no parental consent needed and partner does not need to know. But there is a mandatory counseling by MOH trained counselor. However, if the female's age is less than 14 years old but is married, a mandatory interview at HPB-CC is needed. For age <14yrs (unmarried) or <13yrs (married), this will be a committed offence of statutory rape, no medical confidentiality and will be reported to police and parent. http://www.jlgyne.com/Dr-James-Lee/Singapore-Gynecologist/Abortion-Singapore.html
Yes, it is confidential. Medical professionals are legally obliged to keep the details private. Before the procedure, they have to undergo counselling. http://singaporelegaladvice.com/law-articles/what-are-singapores-laws-on-abortion/
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Do consider the alternative to a pregnancy in crisis, there is help at hand - http://pregnancycrisis.sg/contact-us/pregnancy-crisis-help/