19 Replies

1. Keep it CLEAN 2. EXFOLIATE to regularly to remove dead skin cells 3. MOISTURIZER to avoid dry and cracked heels 4. Priorities COMFORT in footwear #Waystotreatyourfeetright #IpanemaPhilippines #theasianparent ❤️🙏❤️

1. Keep it CLEAN 2. EXFOLIATE regularly to remove dead skin cells 3. MOISTURIZE to avoid dry and cracked heels 4. Prioritize COMFORT in footwear #WaysToTreatYourFeetRight #IpanemaPhilippines #theAsianparent

1. CLEAN 2. EXFOLIATE 3. MOISTURIZE 4. COMFORT #WaysToTreatYourFeetRight #IpanemaPhilippines #TheAsianParent

CLEAN EXFOLIATE MOISTURIZE COMFORT done po #WaysToTreatYourFeetRight #IpanemaPhilippines #theAsianparent

CLEAN EXFOLIATE MOISTURIZE COMFORT #WaysToTreatYourFeetRight #IpanemaPhilippines #theAsianparent

clean exfoliate moisturize comfort #WaysToTreatYourFeetRight #IpanemaPhilippines #theAsianparent

Clean exfoliate moisturuze comfort #WaysToTreatYourFeetRight #ipanemaPhilippines #theasiapareny

CLEAN EXFOLIATE MOISTURE COMFORT #WaysToTreatYourFeetRight #IpanemaPhilipines#theAsianparent

done 🥰 sana palarin 🙏🏻 #WaysToTreatYourFeetRight #IpanemaPhilippines #TheAsianParent

I'm 33 weeks normal Po ba na sumasakit Ang tyan tapos laging naninigas

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