will be induce tmr. hopefully i have a smooth delivery with my second baby. wish me luck, mummies!

Hope Allah ease the pain and insha'Allah you will have a smooth delivery 💙
All the best mummy! I pray u will have a smooth delivery! May u and baby be blessed! 😊
Semoga di permudahkan segala urusan insya allah! Banyak kan selawat ya ❤️😘
Congratulations! Both you and your baby will definitely be safe. 🎊
thank you so much 🙏
insyallah! all the best mummy! i am just waiting for mine..
All the best !!! Insyaallah everything will go smoothly 😇
thank you! in sha Allah, amin!!
Wish you the best and hope you have a smooth delivery!
thank youuuuu! :)
Good luck super mom! You can do it! Yea yea!!
thank you hehe!
All the best to u and Ur cutie baby!
Good luck mummy!! Smooth delivery!
mother of 3 beautiful angel