Wuhan Virus - HL??
In view of the recent outbreak, what is your take on requesting for HL at 37 weeks ? And also considering the fact you are working in a hospital vicinity ? What are the chances you will be granted HL under Gov subsidize rate?
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I am starting HL on w37. Told my gynae and he agreed to give. This is not due to the virus, I am already feeling very exhausted since w34. My #1 was born on w37 thus this time I cannot imagine how I am going to hold for another few weeks. Without the outbreak, I will still start HL on w37.
VIP Member
If you feel safer, just try to get the HL. I know that ML can start 2 weeks before EDD
Super Mum
Check with HR. May allow on case by case basis
VIP Member
better to check w ur hr
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