Worry about being a mom

In my third trimester and feeling anxious/ worry about whether I can be a good mom. I've read books, listened to others sharing their stories on Instagram and all, but still feeling inadequate.. it's just that the weight of impending responsibilities are getting heavier on my mind and I'm not sure what I can do.. please share your experiences and how you have managed to cope..

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Just try your best.. i believe its a learning journey even for me with 3 kids.. i take it a day at a time. I read up, get sound advices frm loved ones around me and learn from mistakes that i made previously. At the end of the day, hearing my kids say they love me, gives me strength to continue providing the best for them..dont worry ok.

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Hi, You can never be fully sure before hand as it is a learning curve. So i would suggest don't think too much about it, be positive and take one step at a time :)