Birth stories
Hi mummies! I’m at my 36th week pregnancy and pretty much anxious about giving birth. I do not know what to expect during birth or when birth is nearing 😟 Baby can come out anytime soon now. I can’t wait but I’m afraid at the same time! Mind sharing your birth experiences and stories? Would love to read! #1stimemom #advicepls

First time mum here! Mucus plug came out 2 nights before. First contraction happened on that night too. Still went to work as interval between contractions was hours apart. And i wasnt sure it was real contractions. Mucus plug came out night before again, called delivery suite, to continue monitor at home. Had regular contractions at 7am the next day, started to count using some apps. 9 mins apart. Husband was still sleeping beside me, didn’t wake him yet till 11am. Called delivery suite, advised to go to hospital. Had lunch first then went at 1pm Stayed at A&E while waiting for delivery suite vacancy. Was 6cm dilated upon arrival. One hour later, got into delivery suite. 7cm dilated. No water bag burst. Waited for another hour before deciding to induce labour by popping water bag because i am lazy to wait any longer. Husband had to fan me everytime my contractions start. Active labour started soon after, 9cm dilated. nurse gave me laughing gas which i only use for awhile because it is time to push. Baby came out after 4 pushes, with the help of midwives. They literally carried my legs up with knee bent. Baby is out at 5pm. So it was about 10hours of labour. Please train to keep your legs wide open haha Practise deep breathing during your contractions. Contractions will last 1min at most. Breathe through it if you prefer no epi. Stitching and removing blood clots was the worst painful experience i had. Had hourly abdomen inspection by doctors as i kept bleeding after. It is painful when they pressed your tummy after delivery. Opted for no epi as i wanted the full experience of childbirth and I don’t have bad menses cramp, thankfully. Each to their own decisions, dont get frightened hearing people’s experience of labour. Good luck and hope you and little one will be safe!
Read moreits normal to feel that way .. this is my 7th pregnancy and honestly I still have those jitters going for labours .. overall compose urself , clear your mindset if the baby has decided the day to reveal ..😂 not sure about ur painscore hold .. but if ur low pain tolerance ask for epidural bfore 5cm .. how to describe the pain ? more like backache pain , tummy cramping tightening every few mins .. regular , more intense each time it comes .. it get very uncomfortable nurse will come every now n then to check ur cervix .. once u feel the urge to poo ( baby head ) call for the nurse/ midwife if they give a good head to push .. push all ur might with good breathing techniques . don't lift up ur buttocks as u might have a tear ..
Read moreThank you for sharing! ☺️☺️
My story is too long because of my stubborn a**. But but advise if you cant tolerate pain get epidural before 7cm dilated. and and you will feel like poo poo that tine its actually ur little one hesd coming out. 😆 i still remember when only 9cm dilated doc say half an hr will come back to check. but then within that half an hr, i keep ask the nurse did i poop or smth. HAHA, turn out when they check is actually baby head. 15min pushing and my LO came out. They were to say 1st baby usually come out slow i waited her for 16hrs
Read moreIts normal if you poop honestly, but i dont know if i did. i only know my baby poop inside me a little 😅. 1-2hr at some screening room then 15-16 hour at delivery suite. 1 day at ward! Because i was on some drip to open the dilation faster, the pain for me was really crazy because i got restricted by the belt i cant move around and my back felt like breaking every 1-2min. No rest. But its definitely worth it. Fun fact is. she was born in sequence w my hubby and bro in law. 21 22 23 😆
Mummy to a baby girl