In pregnancy week, is it prohibited to do any sewing? Just worried as elders mention not to.

Superstitious belief. I did sew though but my mom removed the thread and soak the clothes that I had sewed cause apparently not just you, but anyone staying in the same house are not supposed to sew.
I sew and did reno when I was pregnant, against my mom's advice. Baby came out more than perfect ❤️. Its BS imo.
just avoid doing it on the bed...but if it really bothers you then try to avoid doing it all together if you can
Do what you are comfortable with. I feel it’s perfectly safe to do so. I did sewing while pregnant too.
If you **pantang** best to avoid, so that u won't feel uncomfortable/worry. Or else don't listen too much
I too heard tht there is amyth.. tht can’t sew while in pregnancy .. bt don’t know the side effects
I only heard I should avoid cutting and sewing or avoid using anything sharp on the bed.
I don't think so but if you're worried then best to listen to the older folks(:
It’s perfectly fine:) Low impact activity that also keeps your mind active!
Hey, I think it should be fine. Just be careful and don't hurt yourself