Anything prohibited during pregnancy?
What is the item/thing/place that your family told you not to do during pregnancy? Using scissors, visit zoo, etc. 😂

my mil told me not to stick or peel anything on/off the wall, saying that it can cause the baby to have discolored skin patches and folded(?) ears. Still did it anyway, for the baby room decoration. I'm currently 28 weeks, so we'll see! also they said not to use scissors on bed, not to make my bed, not to eat crab or stingrays, have to eat birds nest DAILY and only home cooked ones. lots of superstitions which I try to follow as much as I can since I'm an anxious ftm 😂
Read moreI think they knew I would just take my own precautions, so I could go wherever I wanted. Heh. I did go to the zoo. Is my kid a monkey? Nah, she’s more like a cute little hedgehog 😂 with her lovely hair and cute nose
A milky father-to-be