Why Am I Getting Mastitis After I Stopped Breastfeeding? Seeking answer and relief

Hi, I’m just wondering if it’s normal to experience mastitis twice in a month? Last month, during my period, I noticed a painful lump in my left breast. I went to the doctor, who diagnosed it as mastitis, even though I stopped breastfeeding and pumping about 8–9 months ago. I was prescribed antibiotics, and the lump and pain went away. However, the next month, around my period again, I developed mastitis once more. This time, the lump has persisted, and the pain comes and goes. I went to the polyclinic, and they’ve referred me to a breast specialist, but the appointment is two weeks away, and I’m unsure how to manage the pain in the meantime. My question is: Can stress hormones cause recurring mastitis, especially when I’m no longer breastfeeding? I really hope this isn’t something serious when I see the specialist. Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you

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Perhaps because you still have milk? did you try expressing?

6mo ago

My dr wont let me express the milk. and i believe there is no milk anymore. if so maybe a lil bit. :(

