Who rides motorcycle while pregnant? Is it safe besides falling?
I'm sometimes riding, sometimes a pillion. Wondering how many of you doing so and how safe?

I rode as a pillion since 1st tri up till 3rd tri 😅 Only stopped when i reached 32 weeks! Hehehe it really depends on individual. If you ride, then try to ride slowly or ask your husband not to speed etc. If you already feel uncomfortable then it's best to stop and don't force yourself. And, different people experience it differently. So follow your heart ☺️
Read moreI rode as a pillion till I was about 22weeks? Got kind of paranoid due to the occasional bumps on the road and husband rides fast (to him it was slow😂) so we both decided it’s best not to take the bike anymore till baby’s out😊 we even took an adventure bike out before and went for a spin during first trimester. Little daredevil inside😆
Read moreI’m currently in my first trimester, and I’m still riding as a pillion. I guess it depends person to person if you’re willing to take the risk. So long as you know the risks and you’re alright with it, I guess it should be fine. But if you’re in your 2nd trimester onwards, the risk would definitely be higher. Take care though!
Read moreWas a rider, and I stopped after my first trimester. Safety vs convenience is smth only you can decide for yourself. I decided to stop as it was getting tiring to ride my sports bike (due to posture) and also I do not wan to take the risk as I know any harsher impact (even if u do not fall) from riding can cause a miscarriage. ride safe!
Read moreMy ex-colleague’s wife rode pillion up to her third trimester. She also rode when she brought her not yet one month old to polyclinic. So I guess depends on the rider’s skills and also how much you are willing to risk sld anything happen?
My sil's first pregnancy she accident and miscarriage, her 2nd pregnancy again accident but premature birth. Not trying to scare you but better to be safe dear till after birth❤
Car of bike, there’s no 100% safe. But I personally still feel that regardless of that, car is still safer than bike, especially when you’re pregnant. Just my POV 😁
Riding as a pillion since the first tri up till now 3rd trimester. So far its been a smooth sailing pregnancy.. baby likes to sleep in tummy when riding on bike 😂
it doesnt matter which trimester u are in...its not safe, once u fall off u cant do anything about it. Better to be safe. Possible take bus, taxi or mrt. Stay safe
I still ride as a pillion from start to third trimester . Now I’m 33 weeks , my husband was quite worried. 😂 but sometimes just scare of those humps.