Riding a motorbike when pregnant
Is it ok? I have some ppl scolding me for not loving my pregnancy & some ppl who said its ok as long as you avoid bumps/holes on the road. Im the pillion btw.

If you’re a person who loves taking risks, sure why not? If you’re a person who thinks your body can handle a fragile pregnancy during its early weeks, sure why not? If you’re a person who can handle the loss of pregnancy due to ignorance and thinking most people do it too, sure, why the hell not? Harsh truth woman, every body is not build the same. You just gotta leave it to fate and better be safe than sorry. ❤️
Read moreFor my first pregnancy, i pillioned ride till im 5 mths bcz my aunts scolded me . For my second pregnancy currently, i am at 6 mths now and still pillion ride. But, i dowanna pillion ride aft the previous ride as i feel my bck is painful so i will stop for now. I guess it depends on your body. But bumps on the road are unavoidable.
Read moreI asked the same question too during my early stage of pregnanc. Don't worry what people say. Just be mindful of your own body esp if it's your first pregnancy cos you don't know what your body is capable of. I stopped riding as a pillion at 7months. As I kept having backaches after each ride.
I'm 5 months now I'm still a pillion. But hubby doesn't allow me on the bike if it is raining or if the floor is wet. Just make sure u r comfortable getting up and down the bike as well as u might feel clumsy as your tummy grows. 😅
Best not to? Better be safe than sorry!☹️ my aunt had miscarriage after being a pillion. But my friend though, got into an accident during her first trimester. We never know our luck! :/
I've been a pillion from my 2nd to 4th pregnancy. I even pillion to Malaysia. No issue so far. My kids are well and healthy. Just have to be extra careful.
Ppl need to stop telling others what to do. Just ride carefully and listen to your body.
I think it’s ok as long as you are comfortable with it, careful and that you trust the rider.
it varies differently, depending on how strong ur body/womb is.. just be extra cautious :)
During my 1st and 2nd trimester i was a pillion rider. Just got to be extra careful