Not going out during confinement
I’m quite an active person and soon to be FTM, and was wondering is it pantang to go out at all during the confinement period? Both my mum n MIL said NO cannot else will have “wind” go in, but I think I’ll be very depressed if totally can’t step out during 28 days. Of course, will prefer to recover n be with baby most of the time. But this feels like a superstition more than a recovery thing. Any thoughts?

when i was a FTM i too dont believe in superstitious.. family keeps telling me dont do this and that, cannot eat this and that but i ignored.. i was also a very active person hates staying at home.. now am at my 4th child and i'm feeling the effect.. i didnt wear socks after my 1st child, while confining, i accidentally hit my toes against a chair... its hurts till now, 5 years later.. i slept with aircon while confining, now i shiver when its abit cold(cold wind). i didnt believe till it happened to me.. walking is a form of exercise, yes, but it also exerts alot of energy when you are suppose to be resting.. Maybe different body will react differently, but its better to be safe thn sorry in the future.. All the aches and pain wont affect immediately but will gradually creep up on you as you get even more older.. Also the malays believes that evil spirits likes the fresh blood of the 1st child... if you go out before the baby turns 3months, they might follow you home.. idk bout this lah but just giving heads up.. hahaha
Read moreActually it's not abt pantang it's cause like after you give birth right, your body will be weak.. so your parent or MIL not wanting you go out is because like they are worried that too much cold wind will affect your recovery after giving birth. And this will have permanent side effect when you get older... like 风湿. so it's best to stay home during confinement to protect yourself
Read moreTo be honest it's up to you. If you feel like you're ready to go out you can and besides your baby needs some morning sun. You would heal faster if you are active physically and mentally. This is the 21st century. I've been told the same but I'm not going to do any of that cause I am going through it not them.
Read moreif go out awhile should be fine. I sneak out for ya kun after followup checkup. basically body felt quite cold from the air con and fan. and i felt abit breathless when standing. make sure you cover up with long pants, long sleeve/cardigan as body is quite weak and scare of cold after just giving birth.
Read morei would say this period of recovery is very important for your body. if you dont do it well the person suffering is yourself. if you want to be “iron teeth” then obviously no one can stop you going out.
It depends on how strict. But when baby does jaundice check up and mom do check up, have to go out anyways. then you can have a quick breakfast/lunch to keep you sane.