Breastfeeding direct latching and pumping

I’m a new mother of a 1month old baby girl. I’m currently breastfeeding my baby by direct latching. At the same time I’m also trying to pump breast milk to store for future use as I’ll be going back to work after maternity leave. I find it super hard to do both at the same time as I don’t have enough breast milk supply. What is the best option? I do top up at times with formula milk.

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It is ok mommy, your breast will keep on producing milk when there is demand. you might find it a bit disappointed to see the amount of milk you pump, but as times goes by, it will increase, as long as you meet the demands (2 hrs once). As for the baby, you can follow the bf/FM mix chart suggested by KKM on how to ensure your baby not confuse between this two

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