Faking illness
Hi , im new here ! Im on my first trimester and my morning sickness is bad !! I am on mc but my company thought im faking my illness .. What should i do ?

Apart the MC. Maybe you can try to change your diet, eat less but more times. And make sure everyday you go to poo poo at least 1 time. Choose your diet more towards less oily, no fried, no heavy smell food. Eat apple or more fibre, plain bread, plain cracker, drink more warm water. should help. Cheers, I am also going through this. This method, have help me. Hope it work for you too. Cheers!
Read moreI'm also taking a lot of time off work, like today I also just urgent leave (not even mc since I need to clear leave) I think most impt is to let your immediate boss knows u r preg (even though before 3months) so they will be more understanding.
Go to work and vomit in the office with a plastic bag..
Mine too. Mean colleagues waiting to pounce on me the very second they can. But don’t let them get to you! I simply invited my boss to call the clinic then call MOM to verify the legitimacy of the MC.
Hv u spoken to your about your Pregnancy?? You should if never. Do get a Memo from doc to produce to your company about the situations. It's going to be more of it. Manager have to bare with it.
Thanks everyone ! Yes my manager is aware but maybe they dun understand wat im going thru .. Ive already asked a memo from the doc . Thanks again mummies ❤
Sometimes even they were used to be pregnant or their spouse used to be pregnant they will still say that you are faking it as i have went thru once and it was horrible and demoralizing.
Gynae gave me meds for morning sickness (Diclectin) to be taken at night and I tried it last night, works wonder I don’t get any morning sickness the entire day today! Feel good today
Glad that it works for u. It doesn’t work on me . It’s been few weeks now .. still googling high and low for morning sickness or should i say all day sickness remedies.. 😅
Since you already have mc... They cannot say much.. If you really want to prove that you are having bad morning sickness, the only way is to go to work and show them.
my boss is implying i am incompetent because of slow progress at work. 🙄 i took 5 days mc because the morning sickness was that bad
Get your doctor to write a note to state you are suffering from morning sickness. This will be official proof of your condition