Can I do a haircut during pregnancy?
I’m a muslim and I just want to know if I’m allowed to do a haircut durinh pregnancy. I’ve heard alot of taboos. But at the end of the day, I want to believe what’s written and not just word of mouth kind of thing. Any opinions?

Hmm not tt I've heard of. I'm a Muslim and yes I just cut my hair in my third trimester as it gets harder to manage. Islam doesn't give the Shari’a that makes His people feel burdened. You are even allowed to trim your pubic hair to ease delivery. Perhaps the myth is more cultural as it was thought tt wld cause disabilities in the fetus. Nauzubillah. Just pray and tawakkal for the best, insya'Allah things will go smoothly.
Read moreI cut my hair too but only at third trimester (probably 1-2 months before edd). No special reason, just in case I go into labour early and no need to cut during confinement. I heard we will perspire a lot during confinement so short hair may be a better option! (And true enough, I really perspire a lot!!) 😂
Read moreI believe those taboos are usually syirik. So i dont really care abt those and just recite doas and bykkn istighfar and selawat.
Eh why not? I'm a Muslim too but never heard of that before. Sure can but not coloring hair.
If your question is about coloring of hair then yes it is since it contains chemicals. But if it's about cutting the hair then it's nonsense! Elderly people tend to exaggerate things. This is not my first pregnancy and I've cut my hair during that period a no. of times. My babies are all well and healthy Alhamdullilah. There are a lot of things org lama cakap yg tak masuk akal and syirik so be very careful not to follow those that does not even makes sense.
I cut my hair no issue.
Yea i cut my hair too
no problem 👌🏻
Yes, it’s okay.
Yes you can.
Mum to be