insufficient bm... should i just stop?
im into post partum 1 month. my bm at each pump session averages 50ml only. my baby already can drink 100ml at every feed, even before reaching 1m. tried eating fenugreek pills & even fennel essential oil, latching but no increment of bm. especially disappointed when still have to pump every 3hours for that miserable amount of bm. should i just stop? how else to increase bm?!
Hi mummy, have you tried eating oats biscuits? It works for me. Bm works in supply and demand. Have you tried power pumping? And instead of 3 hour how about 2 hour per session? Rmb to check if your flange size is accurate too. And also are you using the right mode to pump. All these are the reason why there's no supply.
Read moreFeeding on demand is exhausting if DL your little one but it’s the best way to boost your supply. If my little one skip a meal or go longer without milk at night I would still wake up to pump. It’s very much a supply and demand system. You can do it!! It’s hard work but it’s totally worth it. Now my LO is 4.5 months and o my takes him 10 min on one breast for a full feed. It gets better, hang in there!!
Read moreTry feeding baby half feed by bottle, and finish off by latching. Continue pumping and one power pump a day. I only managed to breastfeed exclusively when baby was 1.5 mths. Used to pump only 30ml per session. Seek for the help of a lactation consultant maybe?
Have u tried eating/drinking green papaya soup? My nanny made for me and it works! (I initially only had 70ml per pump session) Remember to take afternoon naps, drink milo and eat oats biscuit. I also drank magnolia milk + oats, available at ntuc 😊
U dun have to feel bad if your breast milk is insufficient. U can always top up with FM after :) and dun give up! Persevere if u wanna continue giving him good stuff :)
Don’t give up! Consult a LC if you really want to continue. Not everyone is suitable to take fenugreek.
Yup! I supplement with FM too. regardless of FM or BM, as long the baby is well fed, don’t be too worried! But yes, keep latching. I latch my girl on demand (every 2 hours) when she was 1 mo. With or without milk dripping, she still latch
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