
I'm in my 40 weeks and yet to give birth. Doc did mentioned that I might need to go through induction of labour (IOL). At the moment, I don't feel any contraction. Is it normal? I'm worried. How was the process? (IOL) Keen to share any experiences. Thank you.

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Induction sometimes is the best thing to do. Take care!

VIP Member

I don’t feel contraction when I was induced.

5y ago

I admitted at 8 am, went induced. Waited tilled 4 pm only dilated 5cm. Nurse came to check said my baby heart beat dropped, ended up E C sect. Baby came out at 4 plus. Yet I didn’t feel any pain, only the epidural effect (shivering)

VIP Member

You may go for induce. Don’t worry.

For my firstborn, i was 40 weeks + 6 days that i have to be induced... Gynae was sharing that only a maximum of 3 pills can inserted (1 every 8hrs) and if by the 3rd pill baby still doesn’t want to come out, will have to go through c-sect... I went through till the 3rd pill and finally felt the contractions! Nurse broke my waterbag when i dilated to 3cm and after 6hours of intense labour, finally delivered my boy ?

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