14 Replies

I had the same issue, some suggestion here is having more semi liquid nutrient-rich foods such as smoothie, thickened soup, porridge, yoghurt and more! it helps to speed up stomach emptying and reduce bloating/burping, yet providing nutrients to you and your baby. hope this helps =)

I am totally the same as you. I have good breakfasts though. And den by lunch my appetite will be bad and so is dinner. If i eat anything more, den wil have heartburn at night when i lie down. The acid in throat kills me.. T.T

Same. I'm hungry during bfast but not so during lunch. Heartburn after each meal. I try to tk some digestive enzymes, it helps a little. Drinking more water too. N eat foods like fish soup noodles so far. I was wondering why my appetite gone down. Nw I know I'm not alone! Also been craving for snacks n treats n sweet drinks since I'm not that hungry

I have burping all the time, doc says it's normal. just ask me to consume more veg. in addition, I also have gestational diabetes. need to control my food also😅

Load up on protein to ease the hunger pangs. Not much appetite too this pregnancy, :(. Gynae advised aim for 5 small meals instead of 3 big meals.

i understand that feeling. it feels like heartburn, but im not sure myself hahaha however, eat small portions and eat slowly it'll help!

I thought i’m the only one have this feeling. Oh my God. I’m not alone 😭 Hungry but no appetite to eat at all.

Yes I had very bad indigestion pains once. Really need to take very small meals every 2-3hrs

VIP Member

Yes it's normal. Do consult your gynaecologist if you're feeling unwell take care!

I have the same issue, heartburn all the time time and losing appetite. week 27 now.

Can. my gyne gave the same solution

That is what happens to me.. I feel so uncomfortable 🥴

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