1st Trimester Things
I'm in my 1st Tri now & in need of some feedbacks. 1. Anyone else have hyper sensitive sense of smell that literally the sniff of anything makes you feel like vomitting? What & how do you control it? 😭 2. My lower leg/calf aches everyday. I thought this will happen in later stage like end of 2nd Tri or 3rd Tri. Why do I feel the aches so soon? 😭 3. Do you ever feel like eating something but when the food or meal is in front of you, you lost your appetite? This is just so sad! 😭 4. When the plain water that I drink daily before being pregnant, now tastes one kind of weird & now I can't even take a single gulp. I have tried lemon infused water, juices but end up drinking only a little as everything will taste too sweet/too sour/too bitter. I'm really disheartened as I know my body needs fluids. What do you mummies drink? Will appreciate all feedbacks/comments/advises in advance! ❤️