I'm having this problem. I correct my MIL on the way she is handling my LO but she does not want to listen. Things like letting my LO stand up while in a moving car. This is very dangerous and she don't get it. Anyone encounter the same problem?

My MIL gets offended easily and correcting her or 'educating' her on how to manage and handle Infants was offensive to her, because she single handedly brought up 2 kids so she knows better. To my amazement, she seems to be able to read what my LO wants and need by his cries during his first few weeks after we came home from hospital. Nothing but force feeding. Everytime he cry, she will say he must be hungry. She also say that my child will be limping for the rest of his life because the PD said his hip was unstable at birth due to being a breech baby which was later cfm that he is perfectly healthy after an expensive scan when he was 2 months old. She also said that he will forever be having bad stomach issue for the rest of his life because his tummy was gassy. Nothing I tell her will sound logic to her. So much so that she wanted me to move out because I can't agree with her over my LO. These issues were brought up to hubby to speak to her but she always have new things to say.
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