Exclusive pumping
Hi, I’m exclusive pumping for breast milk as my lo refused to latch on.I’m realised the supply drop in this few days. Please advise what to do. Thanks.
Hi mummy, I was exclusively pumping as well for about 6 months before my baby started wanting to latch more. What affected my output most was definitely diet and water intake. It is important to take lots of fluid and eat a balanced meal. Like what other mummies suggest, try milk boosters? Everyone have different boosters, try to find what works for you. Take more of those, over a period of time you will see increase in your supply. At the same time, also do power pumping and empty out your breast as much as possible. Don’t stress yourself too much over having enough supply. Relax and during your pump, can scroll through your baby’s pictures, sometimes it helps with letdown 😊
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