Baby kicks at 17 weeks???

I’m so excited but not sure if it was true. I just felt a subtle baby kicks in my tummy. I’m currently 17 weeks pregnant. Is that possible? Or was it just a gas or something else that passed by my tummy? Lol. How many weeks of pregnant did you first experience baby kicks??

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Could be possible! I felt the most subtle of bubble-like feeling at Week 18. It felt like little gas popping at certain areas throughout the day. As the days and weeks pass, you’ll feel more of these “gas” popping and eventually you’ll just know it’s the movements. I felt my first subtle nudge at Week 19 going 20. Now at Week 21 I can feel more nudges, it’s so funny at times. Just went for a scan yesterday (11 June) and saw its gender. I’m having a sweet little girl. And she’s very active, kept moving and kicking. One scan caught her facing the camera, looks like my cheeky lil princess is taking a selfie even before she’s born! 😂 Soooooo excited for you!! All the best!!

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5y ago

Omg congrats to you dear on having a baby girl!! And thanks for sharing what you experienced with the baby movements. That’s exactly what I felt, like a gas popping in my tummy. Today I feel it too. So exciting. 🥰