Headache during 2nd trimester
I’m currently at my 2nd trimester and been having headache almost on daily basis. Is it safe to eat Paracetamol almost everyday? Been taking 1-2 x a day. My Gynae approved me to take paracetamol. Any other alternatives to ease the headache part from drinking lots of water, eat fruits and vegetables?
Yes! Ive had pretty consistent headaches even until 3rd trimester 😵. It really sucks and while paracetamol should be safe I don't think you should take it daily for a prolonged period as there are long term effects. For me it's because I couldn't have caffeine, so when I cannot take the pain I would drink some tea and it helps. Otherwise, lying down on bed, turning off the light and taking a short nap if possible also helped a lot.
Read moreYou may find some information here:https://sg.theasianparent.com/can-i-take-paracetamol-in-pregnancy