Work from home or office when pregnant?

Hi all I’m currently 16 weeks pregnant and was wondering if fellow pregnant ladies have requested to wfh throughout their pregnancy to minimise risk of Covid? My job allows me to wfh but since govt increased wfo quota to 75%, most of my colleagues have been back in office. Is this a reasonable request? So far have your bosses agreed to it? Thanks!

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I'm now 31 weeks, work in office all the time, only when I had covid then my employer asked me to wfh for about a week after 5 days MC ended. If you're worried about catching COVID at office, I would suggest you to have your meal alone. Although this doesn't guarantee you won't get COVID at all as I actually caught it from my husband at home haha. At that time, he was mostly wfh but still actively played badminton and occasionally met friends outside.

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for myself, I requested extending wfh for 1 month that time because of my very bad morning sickness causing me unable to travel.. however, I'm feeling better and will be taking my booster soon, so will go back office..

yea depends on your job scope.. if you've been previously wfh with no issues working remotely, it should be okay to continue doing so after letting your boss know. take care!

Yup my boss allowed me to wfh from first trimester onwards. Helps to have an understanding boss also 🙂 Talk nicely to your boss first and see if you can work things out?

With everything opening up, you’re better off getting it if any in second trimester than the third. Speaking from someone who’s just got it last Friday.

Yes, its reasonable but depends on kind of job. Am in IT so remote working doesn't affect my job. Requested for wfh and my HR & Boss have allowed it.

Do check with doctor if u are fit to go back work if doctor say nope, get an memo and your bosses will confirm let you stay home.

try ask doc write letter to wfh. my gyne did that on my last preg. but my boss says depends on HR as well

yup. I requested for full wfh.

Super Mum

depends on your job scope.