6 Replies

Yes, can. Try to decrease your spicy intake when you're in the 2nd tri onwards as your baby will start to breathe in the amniotic fluid and it will change in taste depending on what you eat especially chillies.

VIP Member

I love to eat chilli too and cannot do without for my meals. Just have to make sure you take it slow as some people will have heartburn if they take too spicy food. Just be careful on that but no need to avoid.

First trimester is still ok. But when it’s nearing third trimester, i advise to stop or cut down. You’ll regret the heartburn if you eat too much. Sleepless nights!

True! Im a chilli lover, i can take in the very spicy mala but then on my 3rd trimester i realise my tolerance towards chilli is different, cannot even take monster level jinjja chicken😂. And also the heartburn. If u still want to take, take during lunch then drink lots of water, so by dinner your heartburn subside and can sleep peacefully. Take care!


I totally can eat any spicy food during first trimester. but 2nd onwards no chilli padi I'll feel uneasy I had lots of them


i did, but didnt like it as much

Yes in moderation.

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