4 Replies

yes pls visit the hospital for drip if u keep vomit n cannot eat. or ask gynae for anti-vomit pill. its normal to have blood cause u keep vomit until nothing to vomit out from ur stomach n u hurt ur throat thats why will have blood. take care! hang in there, 2nd tri will be better :) I have gone thru the vomit period I understand :(

try to drink ginger tea! it works for me

It is normal to vomit when you're pregnant but it is not normal that you vomitted till 5 times. If you feel weak, can't drink and eat, please go to the doctor. They might give you an iv drip to hydrate you since you're carrying a baby.

The blood streaks are from minor tears in the esophagus, due to the force when you vomit. I had that too. If the anti-nausea medication currently doesn't work, you can tell your gynae, and they may change it to something stronger.


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