Confused and stressed about my health condition and don't know where to really follow up & deliver.

Hi, I'm 16w pregnant staying at Bandar Saujana Putra. I have this health condition as I couldn't bear pain and I'll get epilepsy (fits). Currently I'm following up with both gov (KK jenjarom) and private (Assuntha). Since I have health issues and it's high risk, kk sent me for a pakar appointment for both neuro & gynea at Hospital Banting (next week app). Also at Assuntha, my gynea referred to one of the neuro specialists next month. I'm so confused as I have been going for so many appointments per month and it's quite stressful. I asked my nurse, she is super good and so caring, and she advised me to get a letter to hospital putrajaya and get all the treatments there since I myself don't really know where to deliver. But they are so concern about where I'll be delivering as I'm a high risk patient. Could any of you have gotten treatments/delivered at hospital putrajaya, kindly advise me about their charges and the way they treat patients?? Thanks in advance... #firstmom #bantujawab #ingintahu #SeriusTanya #bantusharing #stress

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I delivered at Hospital Putrajaya under FPP (Full Paying Patient). A specialist helped to deliver, and there is a NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) in case of any baby complications. FPP get double/ single bedded room, very comfortable. Nurses are so caring and helpful. I have nothing but praises for the entire delivery experience. But personally for me, if I know there will be complications, I'll not go for FPP in case it gets too expensive. Since you are a high risk patient, you'll probably get to see a specialist for a very minimal payment anyway. The only downside is the long waiting time. I'll probably still go for one more Assunta check up. If the info shared by the Putrajaya and Assunta specialist are about the same, I'll drop off Assunta due to monetary concern. If you are working and have unlimited medical coverage by company insurance which includes pregnancy, then by all means (no need to worry about money), go to private hospital. Sunway Medical Centre is very good and expensive.

Baca lagi
12mo ago

I stayed in hospital for 3 nights. Natural delivery with vacuum and episiotomy (cut a bit so vaginal opening is bigger and baby can come out easier). Overall around 4k. I believe C-sec will be more expensive.

Hi sis, I have recently delivered my second baby at hospital Putrajaya. I just walked-in and registered when I had the contractions. Deposit was RM800. I was given 2 bedded room. During discharge, I paid for the bedroom RM25, for me and baby RM15. So the total cost was RM840. My first baby was also born in Hospital Putrajaya in 2019 and the cost was the same. I never booked FPP. Both delivery I just walked-in and registered. The doctors were really good and professional. The service is great. The nurses are good and approachable. Hope this helped.

Baca lagi
12mo ago

Thank you so much for sharing your experience in the hospital putrajaya. really helpful as I was only thinking about hospital putrajaya for further follow up. My nurses in KK jenjarom are so kind and caring and I really want good people around me at this moment as I'm quite stressed about my high risks every single day. 🥲 Will definitely go for putrajaya then!

I think u need to stick with gov hospital because in some high risk cases, private will reject & transfer to gov hospital.. second, ask your specialist from both hospital, what the worst scenario can happen to u n baby during delivery? This is important if involving the cost.. For sure private will charge u more if u or baby need to stay longer.. If money is not the issue then u can choose whatever u like..

Baca lagi
12mo ago

Thank you for the responses ❤️ Will definitely go for gov then coz money is also playing a big part now as I couldn't afford more than 10k as Assuntha said it could go higher as 16k.

Government hospitals usually have many specialists. If your nurse suggests a specific hospital, it means they have specialists there. Although the service might not be the best because of the large number of patients, the staff is usually caring..

12mo ago

Thank you for the responses, I agree that gov hosp could help me on my high risk case as they have alot of specialists there... ❤️

sye 2x bersalin dkt hospital putrajay, nurse n doc semua baik2 . dorg bnyk sangat bantu especially sye czer. kos bersalin pun takde la mahal sangat. hospital putrajaya bnyk jgk pakar, so better sis pergi sana as per ur nurse advised.

Baca lagi
12mo ago

Thank you for sharing, will definitely go for putrajaya then ❤️❤️

If money is never issue, just go for private hospitals which have specialists. They wont send you to the gov. Me myself had high risk pregnancy & safely delivered at columbia hospital. The cost for me & baby 15k

12mo ago

For high risks mom, we seriously need to expect & prepare for more. We will never know whats gonna happen to either us or the baby. Luckily my kid didn’t spend the night at nicu cos it would be more than 15k.

sy pn ad health stick ngan 1 hospital² isu terjadi between ibu n akn take tiap mggu app..

12mo ago

Thank you for your response, I was thinking the same way to stick with one hospital actually coz its so stressful. Mine is like 4 times appointment per month and it's so tiring 🥲🥲