If your baby is already showing signs of being a picky eater, how do you deal with it? I want to feed my 2 y/o nephew soft-cooked vegetables but he refuses to eat those. However, he loves mashed fruits like apple and banana.

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How about vegetable purees or smoothies? You can try this smoothie recipe which is delicious and has applesauce and banana as part of the ingredients. The taste of spinach will be subtle and it may help him get used to having vegetables. Ingredients: ¼ cup unsweetened applesauce ¼ cup frozen blueberries 7 frozen strawberries ½ cup fresh spinach ½ banana ⅛ cup whole milk 1 tablespoon ground flax seed 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon honey Directions: Add all ingredients to the blender except 4 strawberries. Blend for a few minutes, adding strawberries periodically. Continue blending until smooth. (taken from: http://foodiefamilyonthego.com/2013/09/superfood-smoothie-perfect-for-toddlers/)

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