A picky eater toddler.

Hi mummies, I have a 18 months toddler who is a picky eater. He only takes cerelac/friso instant cereal. He will refused anything chunky even the normal gerber puffs biscuits. He disliked porridge,veg and fruits. Basically he takes anything that has a milky taste only. Any mummies know how to go about tackling this issue? Cos at 18 months he does not know how to bite or self feed. He self feed toys but not food items. However,he has no problem with weight gain at 18 months, he is 13 kg.😔

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Super Mum

You might not like my idea... but my method is either you eat or you don't eat. Don't serve cerelac if he dont eat his food properly. Kids are smart, he knows that you will compromise and give him what he wants hence he just refuses to eat and wait for you to serve him cerelac.

4y ago

That's actually a very good approach. My daughter went to a dietician because she's very picky and that was the advise too.Basically parents will decide what, when and where the child eats. The child decides how much they want to eat. Try to practice self feed as it's important for his fine motor skills. And if he's used to eating only soft food he won't need to chew so much which can lead to jaw and teeth issues, so you should try giving harder food he needs to chew on.