im pregnant what should i do ?
i went to test in polyclinic and i am pregnant i got a referral letter from polyclinic and i need to do blood test may ik what i need to do on the first vist ? and may ik do i need to starve myself b4 doing the blood test for the first vist on kkh ? tested on pregnancy kit also two line so just wanna confirm i am pregnant right ? as i am new to all this ..

Congratulations mummy! Yay just wait for appt and blood test no need fast. Its more to scanning and seeing ur baby for the first time too, some vitamins to be prescribed! Only glucose check then they wil advise fasting. Do rest now, don't do so much work, relax and enjoy the pregnancy journey..!
Congratulations to you ... For the first visit usually they would ask you drink more water to see the ultrasound clearly as our baby is still very small... if fasting required I believe the nurses will tell you upon you made the next appointment date
Congrats new mummy! Only urine test, BP, Height and Weight to be done at the point of arrival. Except for OGTT which is in 2nd trimester, you don’t have to fast for the rest of time/other blood tests. So don’t worry.
normally first visit is scan , see doctor and blood test for both u and husb if i remember correctly. no need to fast before blood test, if needed to, the hospital will inform u.
Congrats mummy! No need to fast for the blood test. Most probably they will do a scan to see if the pregnancy is okay and also estimate which week of pregnancy are you in.
congratulations!! don't worry. the nurse will guide u through. I don't remember fasting for blood test for pregnancy. hahah. 2 lines for pregnancy! 😁😁
Congratulations mommy .. they do scanning first and and refer u some medications take care happy pregnancy
congrats, no fasting required for blood test, just go to the hospital for check up as per normal
Congratulations! Now pls rest and wauntil ur appointment with Gynae! Nope no meed to fast
If nt rmb wrong first visit blood test no need starve, but think will take 2tubes🤣