When to see a gynae and how to confirm pregnancy?

A couple of questions to ask. I’ve gotten a positive on the pregnancy test kit. Where do I visit to confirm the pregnancy via blood test? Does polyclinic do a blood test? Since it’s a bit pointless to do another urine test there if I’ve already done it at home? When should I start visiting a Gynae? Or visit a gynae as a 2in1 to confirm pregnancy through scan as well as for pregnancy advice? Thanks in advance! First time mummy here

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Congrats!! :) From my experience, the polyclinics only do urine pregnancy test. You should visit the polyclinic if you need a subsidised referral to a gynae in a public hospital. not necessary to repeat the pregnancy test in poly. If you intend to find a private gynae, then you can just book an appointment within your first trimester. This is to make sure that the fetus is growing in the right location (in the uterus and not in the tubes), and to confirm the pregnancy visually via scan. if you go very early, might not be able to see on ultrasound yet, or may need to scan transvaginally.

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Congratulations! I used the pregnancy kit to test twice, as i have regular menstrual so consider quite accurate, and i kinda calculate the number of weeks I'm in. I called up KKH to book the gynae i wanted earlier, i think gg for a check up at wk8 is better so that can detect heartbeat, too early cannot detect anything. So before wk8, have folic acid and monitor if there is any brown or pinkish discharge!

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Typically if u alr have a positive on the test kit, u don't need a blood test. I didn't take the blood test. I'm not sure abt polyclinic as I went on the private route. I called my gynae's clinic for appt. At the first appt, gynae did an abdominal ultrasound scan and baby's heartbeat can be seen and heard. I was abt 8 wks then. Any earlier u wld need to do the vaginal scan.

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3y ago

Yes I cld only get a slot on wk 8 as it was during last year's CB. Anw it's also advisable to see gynae ard this time as any earlier, the chances of seeing baby's heartbeat is lower.

Hey congrats! Anyway I went to the polyclinic and they referred me to my desired hospital after.

week 8