5 Replies

Sorry to ride on. What if I didn’t know it’s in the food/soup I took outside? Ithappened a few times where either I da bao food or eat out, I realized near the end that there could be dang gui in the food. Once I had fish head steamboat. I drank quite a lot of the soup and didn’t realize there’s anything till the end when we fish out the contents, my hub realized some herb like stuff in there. We asked the person and was told there was dang gui in it. But we already finished eating. We didn’t expect herbs in fish head steamboat too.

Dang gui is commonly used to treat women’s reproductive and hormonal issues. But my TCM physician says it’s best to avoid it during pregnancy. When taken regularly, its blood circulation and uterus-stimulating properties may affect your developing baby. Always check with your doctor or a licensed TCM physician before consuming nourishing tonic soup.

For your reference. It may affect your developing baby.. https://www.youngparents.com.sg/pregnancy-baby/dont-take-dang-gui-during-pregnancy/

Yes, please avoid during pregnancy

I would suggest you avoid it too.

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