I was wondering how old should I swaddle my kid till? currently she is 1.5months. I see that she will struggle to escape the swaddle. thank you!

My baby was like that too. She will try to escape whenever I tried to swaddle her. Then I tried not to swaddle her but her moro reflex is very strong and keeps startling herself during her sleep so I use houdini swaddle method. She can sleep well and did not struggle to escape since then. Anyway, you can stop swaddling when you feels that your baby is ready.
Read moreYou can swaddle a baby till 4mths max as any older, they won’t want to stay in the swaddle anymore.
Hi... you can stop swaddling between 3/4 months. I stopped swaddling my baby when he’s 3 months
Up to their comfort. My boy still wanted to be swaddled till 7-8 months old
i stopped at 4months