Hi! It’s not common but it’s good that you have this test done & know it early. The aspirin is to help reduce / delay the pre eclampsia. I knew I had high risk of pre eclampsia at wk13 and also had to take aspirin. You can read up on pre eclampsia online. It’s not due to anything you eat or do. It’s genes I guess. I end up having pre eclampsia at wk34 (considered late onset) and was warded for observation for 2 weeks & induce at wk36. My baby was born small (due to Pre eclampsia) but is very healthy. I considered myself lucky because it came at wk34 vs some didn’t know they had such risk and the pre eclampsia suddenly came & they had to emergency csect way earlier . So now that you know you have it, I would suggest monitor ur bp regularly (I measure mine daily at tri3). Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Your gynae will take care of you