Hi I wanted to start my 5mtg old On solid as per doc advice. May i know how e timing would be like? As i feed baby every 3hrly Start from 8am. Thank you

Hi, it really depends on what u intend to feed baby. Some pple are strongly against cereal. Some pple are into porridge, some solely into organic - everything also buy organic. If u can afford, dirty 12 list of food should get organic Go the purée way. Banana and avocado are good starters. These can be served mashed. Harder fruits and veg like broccoli, carrot, apple, pear etc, these require some steaming till soft then blend it. If porridge - it's the extremely soft kind like the Teo chew porridge kind. Start on 1 feed - e.g. Lunch. Always use abt the the same timing so that baby will know what to expect. Feed a smaller portion of milk first then after a short while give the solids. Some of the drier stuff - u need to add cooled boiled water or baby's milk to increase the water content then can be made puréed into soft and runny Of course there is the baby led weaning too
Read moreI dun give solid for breakfast because it means I need to wake up very early to prepare. I give lunch. So at ard 10+ am my baby will have his milk n take a Nap after n during his 1 hr naP, I will prepare his lunch which I will serve at ard 12+~1 pm at ard 8 mth then I started 2 meals..... Started off with fruits n veg then cereal then rice/pasta/noodles etc .
Read moreI feed baby every morning at about 9am breakfast, and i started with vegetable puree, and lunch at about 11.3am. I personally do not like cereal and i stick with the ang moh style. Fruits and vegetables. Porridge occasionally. Also for a start do add in some bm or fm. In that way it maybe a more familiar taste for your bub.
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