Hi I just want to rant. Not too sure if I am having some kind of depression or blues. I had been away from Singapore for a year because I quit my job and followed my husband overseas. Came back when I was five months pregnant because I just couldn't handle pregnancy alone In a foreign country. But my husband is still overseas. Throughout pregnancy I did everything on my own mostly, packing my room and baby stuffs, moving heavy things and going baby fair alone to buy everything. After I gave birth husband comes back to visit once a month only. I totally feel like a single parent. My plan is to find a job back as we still need to service mortgage and my husband salary allowances will be cut once he returns to Singapore. I have been trying to actively look for a job for the whole year. Went for several interviews and for some companies I even went through many rounds and got into the final round. But everytime I am not hired at the end. Just went for a third round of interview and the HR said they are still reviewing a few more candidates. I think I lost my chance again. I am so stressed and down from being rejected again and again. I used to be able to find a job very easily. Now with age and a two year gap in my working life I know it is hard to find a job back. But I never expect to take so long close to a year and still no job. I am feeling so dejected and wonder what is wrong with me. I am willing to take a pay cut but not so much, however I am afraid I have to lower my salary by a lot and that will affect the Amount of cash flow. We still need to Reno our house and buy a car. And most importantly I feel so sad that I have to start all over in my career again. Inside my heart I blame my husband indirectly. I feel so scared sometimes, going to company and company for many rounds of interview. So tired but still have to find time to apply for jobs and husband is not around to help. Sorry for lengthy post. Anyone is like me looking for a job??

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I not looking for a job but I think economy is on the slow down as there are quite a number of my friends' their companies got hiring freeze. Well I guess it is pretty normal to feel some resentment about the current situation but be careful not to direct it towards ur husband because it won't be helping any matters now regardless of the reasons back then when u quit ur job. No point talking abt the past because it can't be changed, why is past is past. Work it out in the present and for the future I would say jia you on the job search or land for 2nd choices first since ur first choices doesn't seem to be working out. Finances and cash flow are fluid - if can't afford it now then don't do it now. Reno can get contractor to do for u, cheaper but require u to be more hands on. Car is a major liability so don't get unless u really got the extra money and there is a strong need for it - just get taxi if need be, it is potentially cheaper

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