
4 Replies

The only thing i drink is Oatside. Drink every morning or whenever. I found this great deal on Lazada! Check it out! Product Name: Oatside Barista Blend (6 x 1L) - Expiry 01 Feb 2024 Product Price: $36 Discount Price: $29.85 https://s.lazada.sg/s.bsfJi?cc https://shope.ee/VdGzfSIXg Original, Choco hazelnut my fav Haha

I am currently trying Oatside too, so far so good it helps to a certain extent. Thanks for the suggestion

Can look up lactation cookies. Oatmeal is one of the main ingredients, no harm trying that as well, just eat for breakfast or snack

I find the ones available in the market is a little on the expensive side for daily consumption and I won't really have the time to bake on my own as I am a 24/7 alone stay-at-home FTM without any income yet, sigh.


honestly i didnt manage to find any that worked for me but hope u will πŸ’•

Maybe try almond milk?

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