I am trying out bottle-fed training my LO before returning back to work (also to get some extra rest during the day since my mother can help bottle feed her). If she is bottle fed, she will not take my breast for that feeding. That means my breasts can go for a longer stretch without any nursing. Will that affect my milk supply? Should I still pump as she feeds? Currently I pump only in the early morning (2-4am) after feeding.I fill 2 100ml bottles to be used in the day.

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Hi there. Yes, u will need to pump still if u wish to maintain ur supply. There are 2 ways to count pumping sessions. One way is to pump x hourly (or latch x hourly) ad the other way is to use the breast x times in a 24 hr period (may be pump or latch). So as long as "how much u use ur boobs" does not change, then ur supply will not change. So it depends on if u want to maintain ur supply? U might not want to not use ur boobs for such a long stretch too, in case of engorgement? So u need to pump or reconsider the timings of ur pump/latch

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