I try so hard to be that "normal" mom/person. When in reality, I'm nowhere near. Simple things like getting out of bed, brushing my teeth and keeping to a routine maybe an effortless thing for you. That isn't the case for me. It takes so much more effort and by the time i get out of bed, brush my teeth and wash my face I'm exhausted. I won't give up, so i decided to run and keep running. Along the way many passerby stared at me. I think its because i was running with my 1 year old son in a pram at 4pm under the hot sun. I tunnelled vision my way through to reach to my destination. Simply because there is a bigger picture which you can't see. I need to get out and run to ride through the peak of my anxiety. #me #running #anxiety #fight #mom #depression #searchingm3 You can help to create awareness for others in need by sharing and liking the facebook page to show your support. @Searchingm3

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VIP Member

You can definitely do this!!💪

strong mum.. keep it up

VIP Member

Jiayou! All the best!

thank you Jessica.

VIP Member

Stay strong 💪


Thanks Aeryn! :)

thank you jaxy

Hang in there

Keep it up!!