4 Replies

It is unlikely that an accidental fall will hurt your baby because your belly is able to protect your baby. Shock-absorbing amniotic fluid, sturdy membranes, a muscular uterus and your abdominal cavity safely surround the fetus. However, do watch out for signs such as prolonged pain, any reduction of fetal movement or any vaginal bleeding or contractions. Contact your doctor if you experience and discomforts. For more information to help ease your worries: http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/accidental-fall Tripping and falling is quite common during pregnancies given the additional weight, which will shift your center of gravity. In general, don’t worry too much about the fall and simply pay more attention to your body for any discomfort in the next few days. Take care!

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If you feel tummy hardening, it might be a sign of contraction has triggered. Do visit gynae if you have the symptom.
