I think I'm losing it. My baby is 2 weeks old and I am standing at the window crying together with her. It's so hard. I look at her and I love her but it's really hard. She wakes up ever hour crying and I just don't know what to do.

Hey momma - I am a new mummy too and I feel kinda down sometimes too. For example, baby is sick (she was down with the sniffles last night) and so we took her to the PD this morning. All is good with her now, but it was a brutal morning for me as I had to wake up at 1,4 and 6.30 to pump (I am an oversupply mum) and had a migraine (still do as I am typing it right now). And I felt super inadequate as I could hardly care for her and give her the sayang she needed as I needed to take care of myself first. Being a mother is not easy - it takes oodles of sacrifice and patience and inner strength. When the tough times come, just keep repeating to yourself, even this will pass. Remember, we have so much of ability and inner strength in us. We can do whatever we want as long as we keep a calm mind and focus on the tasks on hand. I wish you all the best and lots of strength. Believe in your ability as a momma. ;)
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