Mixed signals.

I tested positive on june 1 and 3. And had all the symptoms of pregnancy: sore boobs, nausea, missed period etc. However I tested again on the 5th (using a different brand of test) and it was negative and now I have some slight bleeding like on and off. I'm not sure if my underlying pcos is causing my hormones to be whacked or am I having a chemical pregnancy/miscarriage. According to the app I'm only supposed to be at week 4 now. I can't decide if the bleeding is implantation bleeding or due to the loss of pregnancy. Also my appt is on the 14th of june, my yearly kkh appt. Was hoping to find out more then. What should I do till then? Help!

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I had a similar situation 2 years back. Pls visit a doctor ASAP, the doctor should do a scan to check if there’s gestational sac and also arrange for a blood test to check your HCG level. If the HCG level is high and gestational sac is not found, it is most probably a chemical pregnancy..

Best to see a gynae ASAP. Try to call KKH central appt tomorrow morning and let them know your condition and emphasise to them you are suspecting sight of bleeding, see if they can arrange any early for you. Otherwise walk-in to their A&E if no slot..

when i was trying to get pregnant with my first child i had a few of these. Turns out i had false positives. Best go poly n take the test if ur pregnant by now they would be able to detect.

Better to check with doctor soon. As you have positive and negative results and bleeding.

VIP Member

Better to check with ur gynae

see gyane or retest again

VIP Member

please see a doctor asap