
I am recently tested pregnant and now trying to decide if I want to go down the government or private route. Do gynaes do ultrasounds and give pictures at every visit? What are the differences in choosing govt or private apart from the fees and choosing of gynaes?

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Actually I chose my gynae first and she was a part of women's specialty clinic group and I used to go to the clinic for every checkup, scan, test etc. My gynae used to take scan every visit but in the initial stages didn't give picture for every visit but from second trimester each scan was priced and I had to file the images. Cost 90-120$ 1.5 yrs back. Only the 20weeks detailed scan I did at Mount Elizabeth. My doctor was affiliated to Mt.E, Mt.A and Thomson. I chose Mt.A after a comparison of number of factors like features/packages/price/distance from our place of stay etc. I had a couple of friends who delivered baby at govt hospital and from my observation/our experiences here are some differences Private hospital 1. Service 2. Quick response 3. Nurses/midwives to check on you frequently and at your beck and call 4. Healthy confinement food to suit your needs 5. Comparatively less patients so more attention 6. More single occupancy rooms, sharing is also to a max of 2 persons per room. 7. Pricier than govt but you can make a choice based on your income and saving or insurance benefit at workplace Govt hospitals: 1. Room sharing very common. Some hospitals even have 4 sharing rooms. Although it is your choice what type of room you want but it is based on availability too. 2. Confinement food may not be available for the mother for all the meals, one of the govt hospitals only provides one meal a day(breakfast or lunch I am not sure) the patient has to find out their own means for the rest of the meals 3. Individual attention might be lacking due to comparatively larger number of patients 4. Budget friendly, very reasonable compared to private.

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1y ago

She meant 1 confinement meal a day instead of all 3 meals