hi I noticed that my pumping yield is vastly different if I pump 30mins vs 45to60mins...is it because my breasts is not responding well to the pump or is it because I pump longer? for 30mins I get about 100to120ml...but if I pump 45to60mins I get 180ml....that's almost 50% more..thinking whether I should change my pump..currently using spectra 9+

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I pump for 30min too... I am an average supply mummy... Most milk comes out in the first 20min.. But realised that if I continue pumping I still hav.. Maybe is slower let down... I am using medela pump... When I am in a rush then I just pump 20min..

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wow...I think I should really get an s1 instead...I have read reviews that 9+ doesn't drain properly..wondering is this causing my low supply...

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I have never pumped more than ten mins before! My breasts are drained in ten mins flat. Try a different pump. I use spectra s1