Breast Milk Or Formula Milk

I am a new mum, to a 10 days old baby. I know that in the beginning, the milk supply will be little and if you continuously nurse your baby, the more milk you produce. but i am getting little milk so far, and i am afraid that i haven't been feeding my baby well. so my doctor suggested that i should give my baby formula milk, just to add on to my breast milk so that my baby is well fed. i am getting tired of pumping my milk out and seriously considering to just stick to formula milk. i am seeing how these few weeks will go then i will decide whether to keep pumping or stick to formula. cause it was after giving my baby formula milk, my baby has been pooping and urinating well, even grow heavier. so my question is, which is better? should i continue giving my baby the breast milk?

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fed is best mummy. full tummy happy baby. ofcourse try alternate between latching or give breastmilk but if your supply is low and its taking a toll on your mental health you can supplement w formula. i had a hard time bf my bb. he refuses to latch at first. i tried to pump but as weeks goes by even w power pumping my breastmilk only covered for floor of the bottle. depressing. i ate legendairy supplements, red date teas, lactation cookies, massage, and im still pumping less thn 10ml. as he gets better i direct latch him. only still need to supplement w formula. i have come to terms w myself that my supply is low. you just do whatever makes you happy okay. dont let other people decide for you. sometimes people dont understand what it is like to have super low supply, or when its making you depressed. to them theres no such thing probably because they werent in your shoes. so mummy, you do you.

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