Salam mummies. I baru je recovered from miscarriage on May. And yesterday i tested and my upt was positive.

But still in early stage around 3w5d..I am so nervous but excited at the same. Anyone yg ada same exp and got pregnant successfully? Btw this is my first baby. Pray for me to have a successful pregnancy 😊 #1stpregnnt #bantusharing #theasianparentph #1stbaby

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hye sis. i d&c 30/4.. last period july.. skrg dh 17mggu prgnant. sis jaga diri. byk kn rehat.. jaga pemakanan.. in case ade spotting or bleeding trus jmpe doc.. sy pon agak trauma bile dh prgnant balik tetibe ade spotting masa 5weeks.. 3weeks non stop everyday until 8weeks. but Alhamdulillah baby oke.. semoga kandungan sis kuat.. sama² kite dpt baby tahun depan. 🤗🤗

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