I need suggestions on getting my husband to be more involved in feeding my kids (with patience). Any ideas on how he can tackle this? My son hates veggies and does not open up to trying out new kinds of food.

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You can try simply making dinner time "family time". The rule would be that everyone is to sit down and have the meal together. No phones, no gadgets. Try letting your son feed himself ("like a big boy", saying this may help encourage him to self feed) while you and the rest of the family also have your meals together. You can decide on the duration of the meal (30 to 45 minutes?) and whatever that is left on the table will be cleared away. In this case, everyone eats the same food (this will be interesting for your son as children love to model after their parents). If your son is picky and refuse to eat the vegetables, you will have to be firm and stick to the stated amount of time. After a few tries, it is likely he will start eating his meals properly. Of course, if he eats very little because of his pickiness, give him an additional milk session or some fruits after dinner to ensure that he is eating enough. Just a suggestion. Hope this will help get everyone involved and also get to have some family bonding time! One thing to note is that the two rules (no gadgets, and keeping to the stipulated duration) must be stated explicitly and clearly, and adhered to.

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