I look at other dads and I feel inadequate. I

I look at other dads and I feel inadequate. I lost my job 3 months ago, and my baby just came last month. We are depending on my wife's income right now. I hate being a stay at home dad, but what else can I do? Please suggest things I can do (while applying for jobs) to get my mind off the entrapment I feel.

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Try establishing a daily routine that works for you and your baby. Having to take care of a newborn is hard work. List out the tasks that need to be completed. This will help you stay focused and also make you realize how much you actually accomplish! Like a stay-at-home-mum, there will be no free time now that you are assuming the main role of looking after your baby. Talk to your wife and set up a schedule for you to do things that you like, exercising, meeting up with friends, have some alone-time etc. Bring your baby out. Talk walks in the parks (avoid crowded places when you baby is still young) around the neighbourhood. Being out and about will help too! Take this time to bond with your baby. This is a great opportunity for you to have close bonding with your baby. Have some skin-on-skin contact while feeding or soothing him/her to sleep. All in all, don’t compare yourself with the conventional thinking of what the dad’s role is. In my opinion, looking after a baby is even more taxing than working outside. Really respect and admire you in being a great and awesome father to your baby! Learn to recognize what an important job you are doing. You are certainly not achieving less than any other dads (in fact, I would say you are achieving much much more). Also, take a look at this blog and have a read at these articles: http://stayhomedadandson.blogspot.com/ http://thenewageparents.com/daddy-daycare-life-of-a-stay-at-home-dad-in-singapore/ http://sg.theasianparent.com/when-dads-stay-at-home/

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