May I know at what age does LO learn to self feed? And what solids at around 15 months onwards?

Generally, at around 8-12 months, baby will begin to use his or her fingers to eat, so if baby starts playing with food around that age, it could be a sign that baby might try self-feeding. Between 13-15 months, if you've been teaching him/her, baby will start using a spoon, and by 18 months, baby's use of utensils should be more consistent. Foods you can introduce to baby who is 15 months include: - proteins like chicken, beef, turkey etc (make sure they are still soft enough for baby. - fruits and vegetables - grains, bread - snacks for babies but in moderation of course
Read moreMine started trying to eat by himself at about 10 months. He's now 16 months and a lot better and can use spoon and fork as well but it's a process! He's still nowhere near being able to finish a meal by himself and his feeding is more for fun and practice. At this stage, my son eats nearly everything as long as it's a little soft and in small bite sized pieces. I limit high sugar, high salt, spicy foods, nuts and shellfish but he eats pretty much everything else we do.
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